Mother's Day

How are you planning to honor your mom this coming weekend for Mother’s Day?
There are some of you that have a great relationship with your mom and can’t wait to honor her this weekend.  There are some who have lost your mom and even through tears and a broken heart, you will pay tribute to her memory this weekend because she was great and your love for her uncomplicated.  There are those of us though that have a different story, our relationships with our mothers are complicated, both in life and in death.

Scripture speaks of honoring our mother and father several times, but it starts in Exodus 20:12 as part of the Ten Commandments.  Let me ask you this though, is it hard to honor your mom daily, let alone on Mother’s Day.

I used to go to the card section and look at card after card and walk away disgruntled.  Not only did I not find a card, but I would feel worse for having looked. It was just yet another reminder that I didn’t have the relationship with my mom I so desperately wanted.   I love cards and I love mushy sappy cards, but I am a firm believer we should have cards that talk about our complicated relationships!
It’s not just about a card though, it’s about our hearts and our attitudes.  How can bring glory to God by obeying His command to honor a mother that sometimes is really hard to honor?  For whatever the reasons may be, I am sure we could list a million reasons between us all about why we don’t want to honor our mothers.

It starts with the Lord though, He has seen our hearts, he has seen the pain inflicted by mother's, as well as any pain we have inflicted.   He knows that our relationships with our moms can be messy and complicated.  This is where it comes down to do we want to serve the Lord or our flesh?  In Philippians 4:13, Paul makes a statement that we hear all the time.  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  The context of this scripture is Paul is in prison, but he has found the secret to being content, no matter his situation, and the secret is Christ.  We can overcome our hurts, our tears and our anger to honor our moms, through Christ.

My hope is that if you struggle with your mom, you will seek the Lord and His guidance.  Somethings just take time and maybe some distance, but we can still be honoring in that.
If Mother's Day is a hard day for you, leave me a comment and let me know how I can pray for you.
Blessings to you all

              Those who sow with tears
   will reap with songs of joy
Ps 126:5


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