Honor Thy Father

If you read last week’s blog, 19, Knocked up & No Good , you got a snapshot of what life was like at home for me with my verbally and emotionally abusive dad. I wrote last week's blog as a stand-alone blog about ministering to post-abortive women but… As I read it and reread it, what stood out to me most was my dad. My father was so much more than the snapshot I have given you. Even though our history was tainted by the ugliness of abuse, he and I are so much the same. We both wanted to be good but didn't know how. We both desired acceptance, but it had always been just out of reach. After he died and I healed from the hurt, which you can read about here . The Lord opened my eyes to a whole other side of who my father was. He had his own story of abuse. I would love to tell you that my dad and I found healing before he died, but we didn’t. Our last interaction was full of hurt, anger, and self-righteousness. Let ...