Alone at Christmas

As a child, I loved Christmas. I believed in magical things like the North Pole, Santa Clause, flying reindeer, and elves. It was easy to imagine Santa flying all over the world. It was not just about the presents he was bringing but the fact that he would be visiting the home of every child in the world. We all were waiting for his arrival. There was the great anticipation of Christmas Eve and the joy of Christmas morning. Even in all of the excitement of the day, there was still a longing I couldn't quite grasp. There was something about being united in something, but I didn't know what that was until I was older. This longing still lives in my memory. The picture is of a community gathered around a giant Christmas tree in the city square, snow falling, lights twinkling, everyone singing Christmas carols. The gift being, everyone knowing that they are where they belong, with friends, with family, with people they love. In this i...