Our Reaction

Someone once told me to write about what I am afraid to write about. I will tell you, I do not write this entry lightly and there is part of me that is fearful, but I cannot be silent. This entry is about a subject that causes division around the world. This entry is about the reaction to abortion. This is not a debate on being pro-life or pro-choice, this is a conversation about how we respond or react to this subject and to people we disagree with. This is also a conversation about how we show the love of Christ to those who have chosen to terminate a pregnancy. It is a vicious fight between pro-life and pro-choice people alike. The one thing they have in common is the passion in which they fight. This subject is hard and it’s emotional. People are passionate about it on both sides. My question is this, shouldn’t we as Christians be able to have the hard conversation and sh...