Reconciled Sinner, The New Man

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold, all the things have become new. A few months ago I woke up and before my feet even hit the floor, I was struggling with sinful thoughts. I knew immediately that I need to go to the Lord in prayer and then get into scripture. The Lord was faithful to meet me where I was and help me in my struggle. Being so taken with the Lord’s willingness to meet me where I was that morning and help me, I shared this with a dear Sister-in Christ. Her immediate response was “What do you mean you woke up with sinful thoughts. You are a Christian, you shouldn’t struggle with sin like that.” Then she recited the above scripture to me. I was definitely taken aback by her statement. Now you must understand that this woman is a dear friend of mine who loves the Lord. She had no idea that she was helpi...